Response Parameters
Response Field Definitions
Key Description Expected Values
success Status of the request. boolean
device_id The Device ID is generated as a hash from the user's device hardware and personal settings. This value can be used to track users and detect duplicate accounts or passed to our callback endpoint for confirmation. SHA256 / string
guid Hardware tracking ID, which uses a different algorithm for calculating a hash of the user's device. This value can overlap with other devices that share the same hardware configuration. Use in conjunction with "guid_confidence". SHA256 / string
guid_confidence Accuracy of the "guid" match, which associates a GUID hardware profile with other users, where 0 = not likely and 100 = very likely. A result of 100 is a guaranteed match. Confidence levels below 100 use an intelligent "best guess" approach. Some "guid" results may overlap users, such as a device with factory settings for popular devices. int (0 - 100)
fraud_chance How likely this device is to commit fraud or engage in abusive behavior. 0 = not likely and 100 = very likely. 25 is the median result. Fraud Scores >= 85 are suspicious but not necessarily fraudulent. We recommend flagging or blocking traffic with Fraud Scores >= 90, but you may find it beneficial to use a higher or lower threshold. int (0 - 100)
is_crawler Is this device associated with being a confirmed crawler from a mainstream search engine such as Googlebot, Bingbot, Yandex, etc? boolean
connection_type Classification of the IP address connection type as "Residential", "Corporate", "Education", "Mobile", or "Data Center". string
proxy Returns true if the lookup is on a Proxy, VPN, or Tor connection. boolean
vpn Is this IP suspected of being a VPN connection? (in which case the proxy will always be "true") boolean
tor Is this IP suspected of being a Tor connection? (in which case the proxy will always be "true") boolean
active_vpn Premium Account Feature - Identifies active VPN connections used by popular VPN services and private VPN servers. boolean
active_tor Premium Account Feature - Identifies active TOR exits on the TOR network. boolean
recent_abuse This value indicates if there has been any recently verified abuse across our network for this user. Abuse could be a confirmed chargeback, compromised device, fake app install, or similar malicious behavior within the past few days.     boolean
bot_status Premium Account Feature - Indicates if this device is a bot, spoofed device, or non-human request. Provides stronger confidence in decision-making. boolean
reasons Premium Account Feature - Fraud Score Insights explains how this device's Fraud Score was calculated and provides further details on enhanced Fraud Scores and penalties. This data point is only available via the postback API, so real-time users cannot reverse engineer why they were penalized. array[string]
ssl_fingerprint Premium Account Feature - SSL fingerprint contains a sha256 of the SSL/TLS ciphers this device supports. Useful for detecting small changes in device fingerprints. This data point is only available via the postback API, so real-time users cannot reverse engineer why they were penalized. string
device_timezone Premium Account Feature - Time zone pulled directly from the user's device. This value may still look accurate and aligned to the user's IP location for high-risk users; however, we do detect location spoofing through other device signals. boolean
high_risk_device Premium Account Feature - Indicates devices with a high confidence of fraudulent activity, including emulators, virtual devices, location spoofing, and automated behavior. boolean
ISP Internet Service Provider of the IP address. If unavailable, then "N/A". string
country Two-letter country code of the IP address, for example: "US". string
city City of IP address if available or "N/A" if unknown. string
region Region or state of IP address if available or "N/A" if unknown. string
timezone Time zone of IP address if available or "N/A" if unknown. string
mobile Is this a mobile device? boolean
operating_system Operating system name and version or "N/A" if unknown. string
browser Browser name and version or "N/A" if unknown. string
brand Brand name of the device or "N/A" if unknown. string
model Model name of the device or "N/A" if unknown. string
ip_address The IP address associated with the device in IPv4 or IPv6 format. string
unique Returns "false" if this device ID has been seen on multiple IP addresses. Returns "true" if we haven't seen this ID on multiple IPs. boolean
canvas_hash A hash of the user's Canvas profile, calculated by the graphics card and other device hardware. This value is often not unique, so should not be used to identify a specific user. SHA256 / string
webgl_hash A hash of the user's WebGL profile, calculated by the graphics card and other device hardware. This value is often not unique, so should not be used to identify a specific user. SHA256 / string
request_id A unique identifier for this request that can be used to look up the request details, interact with our API reports, or send a postback conversion notice. string
click_date Time of this request. (Premium feature) Date Time
first_seen Time of the first request. (Premium feature) Date Time
last_seen Time of the most recent request. (Premium feature) Date Time
longitude Measure of Longitude on a world map. (Premium feature) decimal
latitude Measure of Latitude on a world map. (Premium feature) decimal
organization The Organization associated with this request. (Premium feature) string

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