Advanced Options
Accepted Parameters

Parameter Name Description Expected Values Update Example
type Required String ("proxy", "email", "phone", "devicetracker", "mobiletracker", "url", "malware_scan", "leaked_email", "leaked_username", or "leaked_password") type=proxy
page The page number you are requesting. Defaults to 1 if not specified. Used to retrieve more results than the limit provides. Integer (1+) page=2
limit Allows you to specify how many results will be returned with your query up to a maximum of 250. Defaults to 25. Integer (1 - 250) limit=100
start_date Fetches records newer than or equal to the date specified. Date formatted yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss start_date=2020-01-01
stop_date Fetches records older than or equal to the date specified. Date formatted yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss stop_date=2020-01-31
tracker_id This is an optional parameter used to narrow the scope of a variable lookup for a device tracker type. Integer (number associated with your tracker in the IPQS device tracker management screen.) tracker_id=555
device_id This is an optional parameter to search all matching device ID queries with device fingerprinting. SHA256 / string device_id=888
min_fraud_score This is an optional parameter to limit results to only contain fraud scores greater than or equal to this number. Number 0 - 100 min_fraud_score=45
max_fraud_score This is an optional parameter to limit results to only contain fraud scores less than or equal to this number. Number 0 - 100 max_fraud_score=80
ip_address This is an optional parameter to search all matching IP address queries for "proxy", "devicetracker", and "mobiletracker" types. string ip_address=


Making Requests Without Passing API Key in URL

Due to the nature of platform requirements or frameworks, you may need to request the Request List API endpoints without passing the API key to the URL. You can alternatively pass the API key via GET, POST, or Headers. These requests use the following endpoints:



Method Value Example
GET key key=XHtctAHRKvJDCu84NmtEltMhwmF0r2Aq&transactionID=99&type=proxy
POST key key=XHtctAHRKvJDCu84NmtEltMhwmF0r2Aq&transactionID=99&type=proxy
Header IPQS-KEY (Additional parameters passed as either GET or POST) IPQS-KEY: XHtctAHRKvJDCu84NmtEltMhwmF0r2Aq

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